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The Most Powerful Herb Jar Ever – Herb Preserve

The Most Powerful Herb Jar Ever - Herb Preserve

The Most Powerful Herb Jar Ever – Herb Preserve

The Most Powerful Herb Jar Ever – Herb Preserve Jars keep your investment safe! The instant herbs are exposed to unfiltered light, the decaying process begins. The potency and quality of your herb is degrading as you read this if you don’t already use Herb Preserve jars. This is supported by extensive biophotonic research, which is the study of life and light. Herbs can become dry and impotent in a matter of hours; oxidation is a natural process when something comes into contact with Oxygen. You know what rust looks like, that’s oxidation. Why do vitamin supplements tout anti-oxidants: to keep you in your non-oxidized natural state. If it’s good for you, it’s good for the things that go into you; like your meds.

Herb Preserve herb jars can actually slow down the decaying process while maintaining and rejuvenating the freshness of your herb. What sets our ultraviolet light cancelling super dense pigmented glass apart from all the other jars used in the industry is that they block out all harmful visible light rays while selectively permitting beneficial infrared and UV-A rays. These rays are necessary to protect organic matter from the aging and decaying processes, which explains why the tomato and chives lab test results (look below) were still as fresh as the day they were put in the container after months.

Simply put, Herb Preserve jars are insurance against your herbs’ potency, taste, and smell fading. That’s what makes The Most Powerful Herb Jar Ever – Herb Preserve!

The Most Powerful Herb Jar Ever - Herb Preserve
The Most Powerful Herb Jar Ever – Herb Preserve

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