In the Beginning
The genesis of Chameleon Glass occurred on the road in the spring of 1991. Necessity being the mother of invention, many of us found ways to utilize our right brain talents to get to the next stop where we would alternate between selling our wares in the lot and making the next lot for sale. Show after show a group emerged. Some of us were sales people, some were skilled artists, and before we knew it, the nucleus of Chameleon Glass existed. In between tours, the nucleus was loosely situated around Trinidad, CA. Some have come, some have gone, but much of the same group involved in the beginnings of Chameleon Glass are still in and around Trinidad and are still blowing the finest glass available.
Why Chameleon Glass?
We perform quality control checks on every piece to ensure that defective glass and hidden imperfections are never delivered to our customer. We also check for functional superiority and aesthetic consistency to ensure the piece smokes well and looks like what we show in the catalog.
Which Brings Us Current
Chameleon Glass is a family owned and operated manufacturer and distributor of high quality glass tobacco accessories, designed and manufactured by some of the most talented glass blowers in the United States. Looking to the future, based on some new industry experience we recently acquired, Chameleon Glass has some interesting projects on deck to add to our fine glass portfolio.
Our Street Cred
Chameleon Glass is proud to be a funded SBA partner and member of the Retail Tobacco Dealers Association (RTDA) and National Tobacco Outlet Association (NATO). All products conform to specifications and standards required of these organizations. Chameleon Glass offers community specific tobacco accessories including the deletion of cleaning holes and addition of plastic mouthpieces as needed per the request of our local retailers. Interested? See the comprehensive catalog for a selection that is stocked and immediately available. Most other items available in community standard form with 2 days notice.
Chameleon Glass is a family owned and operated manufacturer and distributor of high quality glass tobacco accessories, designed and manufactured by some of the most talented glass blowers in the United States. Looking to the future, based on some new industry experience we recently acquired, Chameleon Glass has some interesting projects on deck to add to our fine glass portfolio.
The Chameleon Sticker
Chameleon GlassRest assured that your customers are receiving only the finest American made tobacco-smoking accessories. A Chameleon Glass sticker goes on every first quality piece. It is our way of telling you we approved this piece and it is an authentic Chameleon produced accessory.
The sticker doesn’t hide the artwork, or a blemish — that’s why it is removable upon your purchase. Anyone who tries to sell you a “Chameleon” piece without the sticker is selling you someone else’s garbage. The Chameleon Glass sticker is adhered to every Chameleon made pipe to let you know that you are getting a 100% satisfaction guaranteed, American made tobacco accessory.